Venue: Vienna, Austria
Duration: 5 days 07.-11.09.2020 (the 06.09. is the arrival and 12.09.2020 will be the departure-day)
If you are person with disability and interested in this semianr: You are welcome and very much encouraged!
Participants with reduced mobility or other disabilities will be exempt from the participation fee. We have a small budget for assistance and support measures! Please clarify directly with us early enough!
Background of the project
Grenzenlos is running international projects and exchanges for 70 years. In the last years we dedicated our trainings to the topics of civil courage, human rights, and peace-work.
Now we also want to share more operational knowledge in dealing with volunteers. One of the most recurrent topics in the last years has been the need for a better preparation and support for our organisations and the participants themselves whenever there is the need for a crisis intervention.
The seminar is part of a strategy that aims to share knowledge, and through the recognitions of the best practices, create awareness of the preparation, handling, and follow-up during the crisis interventions. As we understand that each organisation has their own protocols and more importantly that each case is unique, we aim through the exchange of knowledge and experiences to prepare ourselves to better handling different crisis interventions.
Aims and Objectives
To promote discuss how different organisations prepare their staff and volunteers for crisis interventions (pre-crisis interventions, during, and after the crisis).
To share the best practices on how to deal with crisis interventions.
To give participants and youth organisations involved in international voluntary projects tools to manage different crisis.
To encourage and support organisations to be ready to host volunteers with psychological difficulties and like this make volunteering more inclusive.
Who can participate?
We are looking for participants who are active in your youth organization (volunteers, staff, mentors …)
Note that all participants should
be 18+ (no upper age limit!).
Involved in the preparation and support of volunteers of your organisation (as a volunteer and/or worker).
Able to attend the whole duration of the course.
Able to work in English.
In case you are interested, please contact our partner organisations:
Allianssi Finland
CBB Belgium
Gantalcalá Spain
Zavod ODTIZ Slovenia
Pi Gençlik Turkey
IBG Germany
LYVS Belarus
Union Forum Ukraine
Egysek Hungary
The main working language will be English.