DATES OF THE PROJECT: 01/05/2020 – 30/04/2022
DURATION: 24 months
The whole project will be based on non formal education – NFE methodologies. It will be proposed a learning by doing approach, where each activity is based on specific learning
objectives in order to better target the educational action and to ensure a coherent learning process of individuals and groups.
Project Aims
To develop tools and working methods, among youth workers and trainers, to fight against discrimination, therefore promoting the active participation and inclusion of young people and young people with fewer opportunities, in Europe.
More specifically the project foreseen to facilitate the access to youth work knowledge and resources at local, national, regional and European levels, to further support the exchange of youth work practices and peer learning.
BABEL Youth Work and Innovative Methods, is a project that forecasts four strategic actions: one ONLINE TRAINING COURSE, one ONLINE ADVANCE PLANNING VISIT and two YOUTH EXCHANGES.
BABEL is a multi-action project, Key Action1, under the Erasmus+ program, including the following activities:
- Training course (online): 08th – 16th November 2021 (9 days of activities – approx 25 pax)
- Advanced Planning Visit (online): 13th – 14th December 2021 (2 days of activities – approx 8 group leaders)
- Youth Exchange (in presence – Italy): 16th – 23th March 2022
Information for Youth Exchange
- Countries involved : Lunaria – Italy, Rönesans Enstitüsü Derneği – Turkey, Mopka – Hungary, Grenzenlos – Austria
- Specific objetives
- to promote exchange, understanding and intercultural learning
- to raise awareness on sensitive sub-topics within the big umbrella of Human Rights
- to create the space for experimenting new participative tools to afterwards raise awareness on Human Rights among groups of peers, through workshops and other actions
More information: Project Description
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.