What is the project about?
With the project “start to listen” Grenzenlos, Citizens in Action, Kayan Feminist Organization and Hayya Bina will provide young people in their respective countries, the possibility to learn and exchange about Gender Equality. We want to give young people from different countries the possibility to learn about different livelihoods and different as well as common struggles and fights for equality. This is how we want to empower participants to be active citizens and through their actions, they can foster gender equality.
The young people will use podcasts to express their ideas and perspectives about the status quo of gender equality in their societies and they will be able to share them with the others around the globe.
With an inclusive approach we will involve people of all genders and with mixed abilities.
We want to enable young people to be active, to express themselves and discussgender equality across national borders to create inclusive and resilient societies. In order to achieve this, we will challenge the perceptions of youth on gender roles and we will raise their awareness about gender equality. We will provide them with deeper knowledge about media production and will enable them to exchange interculturally.
The project activities work with a blended learning approach and they include an international training, online meetings, local workshops and meetings as well as the production of podcasts.
To create inclusive and resilient societies, youth must have supportive spaces to discuss gender equality across cultures. Therefore, we want to provide the possibility for young people from 4 countries to exchange and to deepen their knowledge on Human Rights and especially on “Gender Equality”. This will be discussed in the light of cross cutting topics like, inclusion, migration, minority rights, gender roles and mainstreaming, activism, and other relevant topics for young people.
What do we want to achieve?
Through the exchange they will be able to have a better understanding of their cultures and gender equality. Gender roles and equality is often discussed in populist or consumerist ways that are deeply or negatively influencing our societies. The workshops will help the youth question prejudices in the media and will help them identify fake news as well as deepen and broaden their knowledge on Gender Equality. At the same time, they will learn how to create reliable content and share them with their online community.
Project activities
Kickoff Meeting October 2020 (online)

Activities planned for 2021

How to join the project?
Have a look at our infosheet for youth group leaders:
You can find out more about the possibilities to join here (in German).
If you are interested in joining as a youth group leader, please fill in our online form until January 13th 2021.

This project is co-funded by the Anna Lindh Foundation